Saturday, December 04, 2004

Christmas Music

Ah...the holiday season is in full swing. And the time has finally come for me to enjoy all of the old holiday classics. There's 98.9 FM here in Oklahoma City that has altered its format from adult contemporary music to All Christmas Until Christmas. There's the Christmas music channel on my digital cable that I also here when I'm at the restaurant...all of the songs and all of their different versions...

...and then there's my favorite Christmas Carol. The one I hear myself humming the most. And anyone in the OKC television market will immediately recognize it.

It goes a little something like this:

Jewelry is the gift to give, cause it's the gift that lives and lives,
So give the gift you know can't fail from B.C. Clark's Anniversary sale.
Most sales are after Christmas,
But Clark's is just before,
Most everything is marked way down,
Saving's you can't ignore
At Oklahoma's oldest Jeweler
Since 1892,
So give the gift you know can't fail
from B.C. Clark's Annivesary Sale...

This little jingle is all over the tv and radio this time of year...and it's been the same for decades...It's amazing how little things like that stick in your head.

When I was in high school, the BC Clark's people would do commercials of holiday shoppers singing the jingle for the camera (they may still do this, but I don't recall seeing them recently). My friends and I would go to Penn Square Mall every Saturday in November hoping to get caught by one of the film crews. I never did make it into the commercials, but I tried for three years in a row.

So, my favorite christmas carol is, in fact, an advertising jingle (actually my favorite is Away in a Manger...but that's not nearly as funny as a tv commercial).

Happy Holidays, everyone...


Blogger matty said...

I am not familiar with any shopping holiday jingles, but I am a real sucker for Stevie Nick's cover of Silent Night. "...oh yes, it was a silent night!"

8:37 PM  

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