Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Captain Drag-Ass

Woke up this morning to rain. It was cold, wet and nasty outside. I did not want to face the 25 minute commute to work. So, I got ready as slowly as possible. Got to work an hour late and had to use an hour of sick leave to make up for it.

On the bright side, today I am officially paying rent on my apartment, so I can now begin to move things in. I brought my rug with me, so I can get it unrolled and it can flatten out a bit.

We moved my grandmother into the retirement village on Sunday, she's very confused about it, but once she's been there a few days, she'll figure things out. My Mom is staying with her the first few nights to make sure he's settled.

Since we moved her out of the house she's been in for the last 25 years, I was able to take possession of my grandfather's bed. She promised it to me a long time ago, but told me I could only have it when she moved out of that house. It's a giant king size brass bed. I'm polishing it up at home.

On the moving front, things could become a bit disastrous. I asked several people from work to help me move. Several said they could come. Now I'm up to nearly 20 people who are coming to help. That's great, but it's going to be a logistical nightmare. There is so little parking on my block, I'm not sure where we're going to put that many cars. I'm sure it will work out. I just hope I don't have to start telling people not to come.

Anyway, Now I'm going to do some work and try to decide what I want for lunch today. (Lunch decisions have to be made before 10:00 am or I can't concentrate on anything.)



Blogger Scott Jones said...

How did the rug look?

11:12 AM  

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