So you don't piss people off...
...Listen carefully.
If you approach a restaurant, and it seems like there is no one eating there, I mean, there are very few cars in the parking lot and there doesn't seem to be a huge number of people milling about inside, and you see that said restaurant is going to close in, oh...let's say 4 minutes...DON'T FUCKING GO IN!!!
It's probably not worth your $40 to the restaurant to keep the seven or eight people on that will have to be there to serve you, you selfish cunt!
...okay...sorry...little bit of pent up anger at these damn Softball fans.
As you may not know, the Softball Hall of Fame (is that a necessity in this world?) is housed in Oklahoma City. So, we are currently hosting the Softball World Series.
About 2 miles away from the restaurant I work in.
And we had one or two tables of the little shits come in right at close tonight and sit for over a fucking hour.
So, I'm pissed off because I had to sit there and wait until nearly 10:30, when I should have gotten home just after nine.
Goddamn it. People piss me off.
Better now...going to bed...
OH! Yes! I remember such horrors! I worked in a much more downscale place during part of my high school years (ok, Dairy Queen) ---- but on Wednesday and Saturday evenings we had to watch out for the van of "Pennies" --- TX slang for Pentecostel (sp?) folks --- but the big P Church had a van for its teens --- and they LOVED to march (all 15 of 'em) in at 9:55 (we closed at 10) and order more food than can be imagined (not just soda/ice cream) --- and STAY! Normally, we were out of there by 10:30pm, but when the Pennies came --- we didn't get out till midnight.
Hated them with their their oddly managed hair don'ts, blue jean skirsts, tube socks and sneakers! ...mostly girls. The few Penny Boys looked like poorly dressed queens just dying to jump out of that closet!
Wow --- more than 20 years later and the hostility still lives! LOL!
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