Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Another Purchase

You know, when I paid my car off in December, I swore I would drive it until the wheels fell off.

Then in February, I wrecked it and had to have extensive repairs made.

And now it's June...and every time I drive in my car I'm convinced that the wheels are about to fall off.

So, I'm going to the bank tomorrow afternoon to see about a loan.

It's time for me to buy a new car.

Not a "New" new car, but a new "pre-owned" car. (Don't you just love that euphemism? I remember when we bought "used" cars and were perfectly okay with that.)

I'm thinking about a Honda...but I'll see what I can find. Provided I can get the financing taken care of tomorrow, and provided that the dentist doesn't choose to extract my wisdom teeth at my appointment on Thursday, my father and I will go out Thursday afternoon and find me a car.

I'm a little nervous about it, as I've been used to having a bit of extra money lately...but I've looked at my budget and I can swing it. I already dropped some extra insurance deductions I didn't need at work and am canceling my gym membership (I haven't been in six months) this month...so I know I can manage it.

Well, I'm off to finish my laundry and then crawl in bed and do some reading...need to have a early night tonight.



Blogger matty said...

Get a mini!!!!

11:37 PM  

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