Sunday, June 19, 2005

Dollar for the Crack Addict

So, I stopped at the Q-Mart this evening on my way home from Norman to grab a pack of ciagrettes. For those of you who don't know, the Q-Mart is a less than safe place to stop for anything other than a drive-by. (Joking...I swear it's not that bad.) However, it is on a less than desirable corner, a few blocks away from my fairly desirable neighborhood. (The ghetto starts and stops so quickly here...)

So, as I came back out into the parking lot to get into my car, I see the friendly neighborhood crack addict going from occupied car to occupied car begging for cash.

Now, in my mind I always picture myself telling the guy I will give him a dollar if he does a little dance in the parking lot, but as I'm not completely evil or devoid of compassion, I've never (and would never) actually do this.

Tonight, however, I made the mistake of having my window down. Even with Aerosmith blaring from the stereo, I couldn't pretend he wasn't there while I waited for the guy next to me to pull out of his spot.

So, Crack-Man (his name henceforth) approaches me making eating motions with his hand and mouth. You know the one where you pretend to hold a spoon and move it up and down about your mouth as if spooning something (crack perhaps?) into your mouth.

He then muttered something about a dollar for some "eats".

Luckily, I had a $1 bill in my pocket and just handed it out the window to him. He took it gleefully and scampered back across the street to his crack den.

So, now I'm certainly not going to be stopping there for cigarettes there for a while. See, now he figures I'm an easy mark...and he'll be back for more...

................In Other News....................

Worked extra this weekend. As it was Father's day, I was roped into working not only 2 extra hours yesterday but also a shift today that was supposed to last from 11:00 to 2:00...instead I was there until after 4:00...So, I may have made a bit of money...but it totally screwed up my weekend plans.

Since I was there until 10:00 last night, my plans with Tim where shifted by two hours...and todays plans to wander one of the museums in either Norman or OKC were shot. Instead, once I was off work and had showered the offending barbecue odor from my person I drove down to his place and met some of his friends and watched enraptured as they played playstation. I'm actually a very good spectator for this type of stuff. I can't ever really figure out how the games work and become easily frustrated with them...but for some reason I can watch other people play for hours and never get bored.

I met a few of his friends and his roommates, all very nice guys, and then drove my ass back up into the city so I could do laundry for work tomorrow.

Now I'm sitting here in my dining room, listening to some music and spending some quality time with my laptop...I've neglected her this week.

So, that was my weekend in review. Hopefully I'll have more tales to tell this week. Last week was pretty boring as it goes...maybe something more exciting will happen this week...

Seacrest Out!


Blogger matty said...

yeah, maybe you should find a nicer place to stop for your ciggies. Just a thought. LOL! Of course, I interact wtih crack/herion addicts every day of my life out here.

so, was it classic Aerosmith or the post 1982 MTV era?

11:54 AM  

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