Underling's Lair
Fresh thoughts from a dirty mind...
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- Name: Underling Revived
- Location: Charleston, SC, United States
An awakening of sorts...the veil has been lifted. So once again I am prepared to offer you...Fresh thoughts from a filthy mind...
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- An Afternoon with Jack and Carly
- Driving
- A day full of anger...
- My First Audio Post.
- A Life In Flux
- Sleep, Meet Underling. Underling, Meet Sleep
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- A Day Off
- Tuesday...
- I should be in bed...
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Wal-Mart sucks, I don't think it matters if school starting or not. Wal-Hell is always awful.
Love your posts on OKC Talk
Thanks, Opie...
And please...visit here as often as you'd like. Love to have visitors!
Oh, honey. Not Wal-Mart. You are simply too fabulous to step in there! Honey. No.
But, I think we need you, Mr. Underling, to be in public more often to call these people on their annoying behavior.
Great audio post, by the way!
Sexy voice!!!
So let me make sure I get this right....
You hate Wal-Mart? ;)
So okay this really happens wherever you go. It doesn't matter which line you stand in, it's always the one that has some doddering old dear in front of you that hasn't got the right change or takes forever to pack their bags. Worse is the people with credit cards that don't have a clue how to use them. I feel your pain!
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