Friday, October 28, 2005

An Update from Underling

Okay, the week is over now, and I've properly processed last weeks drama. I feel a lot better now, but I've just felt so out of it for most of the week that I really didn't feel up to posting.

Plus, I've been caught up in a new thing lately, and this new thing is blissfully taking up a lot of my time.

So, things, though rocky last week, are good.

We found out yesterday that the Director has once again authorized a $1000 bonus for all employees. In addition, front line worker like myself are being given another 2% pay increase effective January 1. So, there's that little silver lining to look forward to.

I've applied for a supervisory position at another office, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But If I could continue to work for the department without a caseload, and instead manage people instead of paper, I think I would be a much happier camper.

Things on the home front are great. Although Joe is going out of town on business next week and I will miss him terribly, I think it will be a chance for me to get my routine straightened out and spend some time getting caught up with my netflix and my DVR'd tv shows.

I started back to the gym on Wednesday. I had to pull out for a while due to my trip and before that a pulled muscle in my chest. But I made it back in Wednesday and yesterday and managed to make it through my entire set without killing myself.

However, I will once again point out that the locker room at the YMCA is not my favorite place in the world. So, I've taken to wearing my gym clothes to the gym (despite the cold) and changing/showering when I get home to minimize my exposure to the locker room antics that take place there.

You see, about a month ago I picked up what I call a "Puppydog" at the gym. This is a guy who follows me around, lurking beside equipment, followed me to the showers, and god help me if I tried to take a steam...So I've decided that avoidance is the best answer.

Well, that's about it for me...

Oh, and as a side case you missed it in the news, apparently George Takei (Yes, Sulu from Star Trek) has finally decided to come out and admit to what I figured out about him when I was 12. He's a big old 'mo. Apparently though, he's been with his partner for 18 years...which id something that I aspire to myself (you know...lifelong monogamy) good for him.

Peace out, sports fans...


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