Monday, October 10, 2005

It's been a long time...

...since I've felt genuinely happy.

I'm genuinely happy this morning. I won't bore you with details. I'll just say that I had the most phenomenal weekend. And the good parts lasted right up until about 10 minutes ago.

I have to leave for the office now...but I'm leaving with a smile on my face.



Blogger PoetX said...

Share the love Underling come on now!!

I need to live vicariously through others happiness at the moment.
I need to believe it can happen to me!!

I'm glad you've found some true happiness for a change !! You deserve it !


11:53 AM  
Blogger matty said...

I'm so happy!

don't blog too much about it. ...some things are just not meant to be "blogged" know?

11:40 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

I hope you'll have whole lot more of these weekends in the horizon for you!!! :-)

9:49 AM  

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