Saturday, September 10, 2005

Good Morning

So, another Saturday morning is upon us.

I woke up at 5:30 and laid in bed for about 15 minutes before drifting back to sleep.

When my alarm went off at 9:00 I was up and ready. I grabbed my bag and headed down the street to the gym. The gym I work out at, The OKC Downtown YMCA, is just 16 blocks south of my house. But of course, I still drive there. I'm not walking into downtown...that's just not happening.

So, I got there, relaxed in the sauna for about 10 minutes while it was totally deserted. Then I made my way out to the workout floor.

Apparently the sauna was deserted because, presumably, the entire population of Oklahoma City was on the workout floor waiting for equiptment. I logged into the system and set to work, one leg machine, one arm machine...back and forth through my sets. Until finally nearly 2 hours later I was finished with my workout.

A workout that's supposed to take 45 minutes...

So, I went to take a shower. I was enjoying the feel of the shower spray on my neck and back when I noticed that the old man across the shower room was taking a little too much care in washing his crotch. After he had soaped it up for something like the eighth time, I decided that was my cue to get the hell out of Dodge.

So, I changed into my normal clothes and headed back home where I made a real breakfast. I was starved by the time I got home, and having not had a cigarette today, felt the need to eat a lot. So, one bowl or grits with cheese, two eggs, six slices of bacon and two pieces of toast washed down with three cups of milk later, my appetite is satisfied and I can now retreat to my bedroom to read until time for work.

I'm trying to fill the day as much as possible so I won't have time to think about smoking. I seems to be working.

So, I'm going to go read some more. I've gotten about halfway through David Eggars "Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius", and as this is my third attempt to complete the book, I am committed to finishing it before the weekend is over.

Well, Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'm certainly enjoying mine so far.

Later, Sports Fans...


Blogger matty said...

Was the workout 2 hours long because of the number of people or did you really work out for 2 full hours!!?!?!

11:28 AM  

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