Losing Sleep
Hello Sports Fans...I know I'm a bad blogger right now. But apparently I'm a bad brother and a bad friend as well.
For the past two months I've been entirely wrapped up in my own shit. I don't talk on the phone anymore, I don't return calls...I'm just in my own little world.
And it's not a bad thing necessarily. I'm not going through a long dark night of the soul or anything like that. I'm just really enjoying spending time with Joe and exploring this new relationship. There are lots of things to learn and experience.
Like the loss of sleep, for example.
Just a few minutes ago I woke up from a thirty minute nap...trouble is, I'm sitting at my desk at work.
You see...I seem to be getting less sleep lately. I think it might be a mixture or several elements, but number one is that I'm no longer on a set bedtime routine...
You see, up to a few weeks ago, I'd finally managed to keep myself on a schedule of going to bed at 10:30 and getting up at 5:45...but that changes every day now. Some nights we might go to bed at 10:00...other nights we might be up hanging out with friends at the bar until 12:00...and I still have to get up at 5:45...
Then on Monday night, Joe's dog got out of the backyard at like 11:15...and we ended up driving around searching for her until nearly 3:00 am. We never did find her...and I managed to convince Joe that we needed to just get some sleep and see if the dogs came back in the morning.
We had been asleep for about 20 minutes when the dog was back in the backyard barking to be let in. So, we ended up getting a total of about 3 hours sleep before work.
So, my sleeping is a little off...and it's making work nearly unbearable...that and the fact that I'm back to just straight up hating my job.
But other than that...all is well in the world. My parents are off to Wyoming to spend Thanksgiving with my little sister and her husband...leaving my brother and I free to spend the holiday with out boyfriends without having to turn it into the Beard Family's Gayest Thanksgiving ever...
So, I'm going to sit at my desk for a few more hours listening to "Bitch and Animal" and try try try to stay awake.
Seacrest Out!
Glad the dog came home!!! Get some rest!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hey, I saw the film version of RENT tonight and thought of you. I liked it! ...and, I am the only person on the planet who didn't like the play so I think that might be a good sign. ...or a bad one. I don't know. But, Ms. Dawson rocked out in the movie!
Where o where have you gone? Update, please! (smile)
love, matt
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