Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hard month

Hello all.

It's been a weird and somewhat difficult month around the lair. I've been gearing up for my move this month, and that's involved a lot of tough discussions and decisions about what of each of our things stays or goes. It can lead to some tense moments, let me tell you.

All of this lead up to me giving my 30 day notice to my landlord yesterday. So, I've been added onto the other lease for 04/01/06 and there's really no turning back at this point.

In the midst of all of this, my 93 year old grandmother become seriously ill again and then passed away last Thursday.

My mother and father and I were with her when she passed away. And what a weird feeling that was, to actually be in the room with a person when they pass from life. There was literally a moment that I just simply knew that she was gone.

In a lot of ways, her death is a relief. She'd been very ill, suffering from late stage Alzheimer's and was not herself to begin with. It was still sad to say goodbye. But I think it's a good thing in the end. After all, she was married to my grandfather for 40 years and hasn't seen him since he passed in they were due for some time together.

So, I've spent more than a few days off of work and am still trying to get myself back into the routine around here.

But, life goes on...I'll start the packing process this next week...and by April 1st, I'll be residing with my boyfriend.

Exciting, really.

See you around...


Blogger matty said...

Where is my underling?

How is he?

Will he ever return?

Miss him!

big kiss and hug from gayland, CA

6:08 PM  

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