Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm still living...

I really didn't intend for this blog to become a once a week thing, but as I told Matt via e-mail yesterday, I've just been going like crazy these past few weeks (months) and when I actually find myself at home, there is generally a dog running through the dining room and a boyfriend sitting on the couch...so it's tough to sit down and write like I want to.

I do find time every once in a while at the office, and I'll open up the new post page and then stare blankly at the screen until my phone rings, interrupts me and causes me to forget I'm even logged in here.

The last two weeks have been very social...more social than I've had to be in a long time. There have been several X-mas parties, a few drink get-togethers, and more dinners out to celebrate various things.

I did survive Joe's latest trip out of town...only to find out he has to go back again the first week of January and the second week of February. But I think at the end of his trip in February I might fly out and meet him halfway in Phoenix and visit with some friends of his for the weekend...we'll see if my money will hold out for that though...lol.

Navigating the relationship waters these last few months have been interesting. It's not effortless this time, but it's a lot easier than it's ever been in the past. I feel good about this.

I'm still actively job searching...but not going to work with the headhunter I met with. They wanted a truly ridiculous amount of money...even knowing how little I make right now. I literally laughed at the recruiter when she told me what their fee would be. I think she was a little offended.

In other news:

Christmas promises to be interesting. My sisters are (I guess) not speaking right now. So the family will apparently not be celebrating as one big group this year. I guess that on Friday night the family that will be in and around OKC will get together to visit and exchange gifts. Then my parents will go on Saturday to my older sister's house and do Christmas with her family.

I could go, but I'm not going to. Although my older sister most certainly thinks this is because I'm angry with her about the fight she's having with the other sister, the truth of the matter is, I simply don't want to spend 6 hours of my Christmas day in my car alone driving to and from her home in BFE.

Instead, Joe and I plan to spend a quiet Christmas eve and morning together and then attend a party a friend of his is giving on Sunday night. I'm really looking forward to it.

Speaking of which, I need to pick up a few more things for his gifts. I have one of the items I wanted to get, but am still lacking the rest. I should really get off my ass today and get out of the office early and take care of it...but I am managing to be a bit lazy about it.

Well, anyway...that's my for now. Hopefully something more interesting will happen or I'll make more time to write and actually remember things I want to post on here.

Peace out!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Song lyric of the day...

From Belle and Sebastian's "Get me away from here I'm dying":

Oh, I’ll settle down with some old story
About a boy who’s just like me
Thought there was love in everything and everyone
You’re so naive!
They always reach a sorry ending
They always get it in the end
Still it was worth it as I turned the pages solemnly, and then
With a winning smile, the poor boy
With naivety succeeds
At the final moment, I cried
I always cry at endings

Been listening to their 1996 album "If you're feeling sinister" this afternoon at work and I just love this particular verse...makes me smile.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The weather outside is frightful...

...but the wall furnace is so delightful.

Yes, winter has come at long last to Oklahoma. Thirty minutes were spent yesterday morning scraping a half inch of frost off of my cars windows.

This morning the temperatures were well below freezing (like 15 degrees...and that's freakin' cold here)with a wind chill below zero.

A few minutes ago I walked over to Target to get a can of soup (seems like a soup for lunch day) and the first snowflakes started falling.

So, I'm going to leave the office at 4:30 and go pick up Joe's dog and then head home and make a big pot of tortilla soup. Then I'm going to curl up on the couch with the dog and watch a movie and keep warm.

I love this time of year.

(FYI: When I ran spell check it suggested that I replace the word "freakin'" with "foreskin". That would have given that sentance a really wierd twist, don't you think?)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Home Alone

For the first time in weeks, I'm facing an entire evening to myself.

Joe is off on business, out of the state.

I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself.

I miss him.