Sunday, October 30, 2005


I'm watching my boy and his dog, Madie, sit in my dining room as my boy eats some dinner after the Halloween party tonight.

He is so cute...and the puppy, Madie, is the first animal ever allowed into my space.

I guess that's a testament to how much I like her father.

Friday, October 28, 2005

An Update from Underling

Okay, the week is over now, and I've properly processed last weeks drama. I feel a lot better now, but I've just felt so out of it for most of the week that I really didn't feel up to posting.

Plus, I've been caught up in a new thing lately, and this new thing is blissfully taking up a lot of my time.

So, things, though rocky last week, are good.

We found out yesterday that the Director has once again authorized a $1000 bonus for all employees. In addition, front line worker like myself are being given another 2% pay increase effective January 1. So, there's that little silver lining to look forward to.

I've applied for a supervisory position at another office, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But If I could continue to work for the department without a caseload, and instead manage people instead of paper, I think I would be a much happier camper.

Things on the home front are great. Although Joe is going out of town on business next week and I will miss him terribly, I think it will be a chance for me to get my routine straightened out and spend some time getting caught up with my netflix and my DVR'd tv shows.

I started back to the gym on Wednesday. I had to pull out for a while due to my trip and before that a pulled muscle in my chest. But I made it back in Wednesday and yesterday and managed to make it through my entire set without killing myself.

However, I will once again point out that the locker room at the YMCA is not my favorite place in the world. So, I've taken to wearing my gym clothes to the gym (despite the cold) and changing/showering when I get home to minimize my exposure to the locker room antics that take place there.

You see, about a month ago I picked up what I call a "Puppydog" at the gym. This is a guy who follows me around, lurking beside equipment, followed me to the showers, and god help me if I tried to take a steam...So I've decided that avoidance is the best answer.

Well, that's about it for me...

Oh, and as a side case you missed it in the news, apparently George Takei (Yes, Sulu from Star Trek) has finally decided to come out and admit to what I figured out about him when I was 12. He's a big old 'mo. Apparently though, he's been with his partner for 18 years...which id something that I aspire to myself (you know...lifelong monogamy) good for him.

Peace out, sports fans...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Thank God for Oklahoma

I'm back.

I came back a day early.

There was some drama, not of my making, that necessitated an early return.

So, at 10:00 yesterday morning I forced my older sister and her bags into my car and started the return journey to Oklahoma.

I got a fucking speeding ticket on I-70 about 40 miles into Kansas. Kansas Hi-Po can kiss my hairy white ass.

Got my sister dropped off at her house at about 12:15 last night and then made the three hour drive home from Alva. Upon arrival, I took a shower and then dropped into bed, where I stayed for a good 9 hours.

And the drama continues to unfold. I'll not go into details here, but sometimes family shit can be incredibly tough to deal with.

This whole situation is out of control and I just want to put my fingers in my ears and run screaming in the opposite direction.

But, Thank GOD I'm back home. I stayed at Joe's last night and then came home to my place about 20 minutes ago.

I was greeted by a cut off notice from the electric company, because they were slow in processing my payment again.

But everything is where I left it. No one broke in. I was not robbed.

So, I'm reasonably happy. do the laundry...ugh...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What Hell Is This???

Well, Sports Fans. I'm in Rock Springs, Wyoming.

And it only took me 18 hours to get here.

I won't go into too many details, but I left OKC at noon yesterday and got in to my sister's house at 6:15 this morning...then I made a few phone calls and prmptly fell into bed.

I'm sure there are many funny little stories I could tell you about the car ride here...but mostly, I'm just pissed at how long the drive took.

And knowing that I have to drive back to OKC on I just want to cry. I don't ever want to be in my car for that long ever again.

Well, I"m off to shower and shave and then see this little town.

By the new baby nephew, Philip, is just the cutest little thing. And Helen, as always, is the snottiest little one year old in the world.

Talk later...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Friday Night

This past Friday was the Second Annual "Girlie Show". It was a showcase set up last year to highlight local female artists and give them an inclusive venue to display and sell their art.

This year it took place at the old Farmer's Market downtown. It was an incredible night. There were so many people was like being in an actual city...something I kept saying to Joe while we were there.

I bumped into a few co-workers, a few old friends...and as always happens in a city as small as OKC, a few people I didn't want to see. For example, I saw Blake. Blake was a guy two years behind me in high school who took something I told him in confidence and used it against outing me to the entire school my Junior year. Because he was a big old flaming fag himself, I guess he hoped it would deflect attention away from didn't.

I still wasn't happy to see him...nearly 11 years after the incident. I tend to hold grudges.

We also bumped into my brother and his boyfriend Travis. That was a really nice surprise, as they've heard a lot about Joe, and actually got to meet him.

But all in all, it was a really fun time. I bought a photo from Joe's friend Ashley, and then when we met her and her girlfriend for drinks on Saturday I told her I would buy as many others like it as she had.

It's a small 5x7 matted and framed of an old chapel in New Mexico. I love it and have decided that more b&w old church photos are just what I want to use to finish decorating my bedroom.

Well...I'm off to watch last night's Desperate Housewives. The DVR has made me lazy...I never watch shows on time

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Some Updates

Okay folks...I've been away a few days...been busy. ;-)

So, here are a few little stories from my weekend:

Stalked for a Haircut

So, on Friday I had an appointment to get a haircut. It was with a new stylist I've not seen before, so I left the office earlier than I needed to so I'd be sure and be on time.

On my way to my appointment, I stopped at 50 Penn Place to go into the bank branch there and make my car payment. As I approached the door a guy asked me for a light. I offered him my lighter, and then as is common in the Universal Brotherhood of Smokers, stood there and chatted amicably with him for about 5 minutes while I finished my cigarette.

I then ventured inside and made my payment. As I exited the bank, I saw the same guy hanging around outside the entrance to the bank. I went on about my business and eventually made my way back out to the parking lot to drive the four or so miles to the salon for my appointment.

As I was getting in my car, I saw the same guy making a beeline out of the doors towards the parking lot. I drove off and went on about my business.

About 45 minutes later, As I sat in the chair, my hair damp from my wash, draped for a haircut, the door opened to the salon and the guy from 50 Penn Place was standing in the doorway, asking if he could get his haircut.

Thankfully, all the stylists were booked and he left.

I quickly recounted my story for the assembled party...all of them properly aghast.

Then as I prepared to leave, I looked out the door to see him sitting behind the wheel of his car...waiting for me!!!

So, I stepped out and as I was getting into my car, he rolled down his window and asked "want to go to my place?"

I said no...obviously...and got into my car to leave.

He took off out of the lot at top speed...and I went back inside the salon to tell them all what had transpired...

I spent the rest of the afternoon looking over my shoulder in the car...watching for his car.

Freaked me out...

Wow...that took longer to tell than I had I'll close for now, and return with more tomorrow.

I will be gone later this week. My little sister gave birth to her second child on I'm driving to Wyoming this week to see her

Anyway...time to call a friend...

Talk to you all later...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Revising History

This week I've been re-reading George Orwell's "1984". One of the things that has always fascinated me about the story is Winston's work in constantly revising the history of Oceania by rewriting and refiling newspaper articles from the past.

It's gotten me thinking this week about how reliable our own memories of past events can be. For example, you could have a memory of an event that involves yourself and a friend or friends. Perhaps you have a pleasant memory of this event. Perhaps joyous even.

But does everyone involved in that memory see it the same way in their mind's eye? What if one of your friends was anxious that evening. How is their memory altered by their frame of mind the night the event took place. Certainly they'd remember different aspects of the event. But, whose memory is accurate?

I recently read a retelling of an event that involved myself. And while the facts of the matter are absolutely correct, the tone of that memory, while lighthearted and joyous in the voice of the teller, is somewhat different and darker in my mind.

It's one of those times when you read something or see something...and it seems different...and you want to scream "That's not what happened!"

But, the memory cheats. What is true for me about my memory may not be true for you. Even if you experienced that moment with me.

So, who is right? Whose memory is correct?

Thoughts? Musings? Insults?

Peace out, Sports Fans!

Tuesday Morning

Oh...I wish I could have just stayed put this morning. I wish I hadn't needed to get up and come home so early to shower and go to work.

Sometimes my job really puts a damper on my life.

But, I suppose we all have to do the adult thing from time to time and ear our living.

Still waiting on news from my little sister. She still hasn't had her baby...but her 1 year old, Helen, is now taking steps on her own. How fun it's going to be for her to have one up and walking and a newborn at the same time.

Well, it's really time for a shower now...then work. Ugh! Don't wanna go to work...

Monday, October 10, 2005

It's been a long time...

...since I've felt genuinely happy.

I'm genuinely happy this morning. I won't bore you with details. I'll just say that I had the most phenomenal weekend. And the good parts lasted right up until about 10 minutes ago.

I have to leave for the office now...but I'm leaving with a smile on my face.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sprint PCS Can Kiss My Ass!!! Sprint PCS and Nextel have merged.

I get my first bill from the new Sprint and it's showing usage nearly double what I am normally billed for.

Now, last month was not an unusual month for me phone wise. I didn't really spend anymore time on the phone than I normally do.

But, Somehow according to Sprint, I not only went over my normal usage of about 600 of my 1000 anytime minutes...I used 98 minutes over my 1000 minutes.

So, I had to order a detailed statement to go through all the calls and see.

And I don't think my usage is any different than it has been before.

But...all of a sudden there are literally hundreds of both incoming and outgoing calls for 1 minutes each.

I think something somewhere as been changed in this little merger, and we the consumers are not being told about it.

I have never paid for a first minute in all the years I've had a cell. I didn't pay with AT&T, I didn't pay with Cingular...and up till this month, I firmly believe I have not been charged for a first minute with Sprint.

So I went through the bill and added up all the first minute charges...sure enough...without those minutes, my usage is exactly what it always is, around 650 minutes.

My original contract with Sprint does not specify in writing that first minutes are not charged, but I was told when I signed my contract that that was so standard as to be understood. I was told I would not be charged for first minutes.

But now I am...and I ripped some girl in India a new hole because of it.

Also, another fun thing Sprint does...on the detailed bill, they just list the word "incoming" for an incoming call. There is no way for me to get a bill that actually shows the number of that incoming call. So, how can I possibly contest any of it.

They also have me taking and making 60-90 minute calls while I'm at work and my phone is in my pocket...or while I'm at the gym and my phone is locked in my apartment.

I don't believe a bit of it...and boy am I pissed.

The girl I talked to tonight told me that they would be investigating my bill and see what they could come up with.

Whatever...they're going to come back and tell me they there's nothing they can do...and that I'm going to end up owning them money.

And I just signed another two year contract.

I'm sooooo pissed.