Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The benefits of unpacking...

One of the reasons I've always hated moving was the onerous task of unpacking the boxes. Sure, you feel great when you have everything out and the place starts to look like a home, but when you're faced with stacks upon stacks of can be a bit daunting.

This time I took care of it in one day. Last Tuesday I made myself unpack every box that was going to be unpacked. (Some of my boxes of papers and such from college remain packed in the closet.) I got things done in a remarkably speedy fashion and was quickly reminded of one of the great benefits of unpacking.

You find a whole load of shit you thought you'd lost.

I found four CD's I thought I'd lost long including the soundtrack from Beautiful Thing as well as the CD that my friend Alisabeth burned for me back in college.

I also came across all the books I'd been thinking about reading over the last two years but couldn't because they were in storage.

At any rate, I'm glad the task is over and I can listen to Mama Cass with wild abandon.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Moving In and The Great Escape...

Well, I'm back at work and finally have access to a computer. The move went very well on Saturday. Had about 15 people from work come over and we had the U-haul unloaded in about 40 minutes, which was incredible. I was unpacked by Monday evening, and had just settled in for a lovely evening in my new place.

About midnight I noticed a message on my phone. It was my landlord reminding me that I needed to put my name on a card in my mailbox. So, I decided to go out and have a cigarette (I have made the interior of my apartment a smoke-free zone) and then go down to put my name card in the mailbox.

Now, let me explain the way this works. Balcony access is in the hallway outside my front door, and the front door on the first floor can only be opened with a key. (There are glass panes in the door, so a standard deadbolt is dangerous.)

So, I hopped out on the balcony in my flannel pants and flip flops. I smoked my cigarette and came back in to run downstairs. As I re-entered the hallway, I realized I needed my keys in order to open the front door, so I diverted back to my apartment to grab my see where this is headed?

Imagine my surprise when I found that I had locked my apartment door behind me.

Understand that this means I was effectively lock in the stairway. I could not open my apartment door, and I could not open the front door of the building. My only access to outside was the balcony.

So, between midnight and about 2:45 I tried everything imaginable to get back inside the apartment. I knocked on neighbors door, tried to get through the living room window...just about everything you could imagine...and I was finally confronted with the inevitable.

I swallowed back my extreme fear of heights...and jumped the balcony. Actually, I grabbed the railing, swung myself over and hung down until I could get my feet on the patio railing below me. Once free of my stairway prison, I was able, at 3:00 am, to run the block down to my landlord's house, and ring his doorbell...asking for a set of spare keys...

a very humbling experience...but my landlord was very nice about the whole thing and seemed mostly concerned that I was okay after having jumped the balcony.

For the most part I came through the experience unscathed. Only my ego and my upper arms are bruised. And I've managed not to repeat the scenario again so far. alone...I'd forgotten how much fun it was.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Captain Drag-Ass

Woke up this morning to rain. It was cold, wet and nasty outside. I did not want to face the 25 minute commute to work. So, I got ready as slowly as possible. Got to work an hour late and had to use an hour of sick leave to make up for it.

On the bright side, today I am officially paying rent on my apartment, so I can now begin to move things in. I brought my rug with me, so I can get it unrolled and it can flatten out a bit.

We moved my grandmother into the retirement village on Sunday, she's very confused about it, but once she's been there a few days, she'll figure things out. My Mom is staying with her the first few nights to make sure he's settled.

Since we moved her out of the house she's been in for the last 25 years, I was able to take possession of my grandfather's bed. She promised it to me a long time ago, but told me I could only have it when she moved out of that house. It's a giant king size brass bed. I'm polishing it up at home.

On the moving front, things could become a bit disastrous. I asked several people from work to help me move. Several said they could come. Now I'm up to nearly 20 people who are coming to help. That's great, but it's going to be a logistical nightmare. There is so little parking on my block, I'm not sure where we're going to put that many cars. I'm sure it will work out. I just hope I don't have to start telling people not to come.

Anyway, Now I'm going to do some work and try to decide what I want for lunch today. (Lunch decisions have to be made before 10:00 am or I can't concentrate on anything.)


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Preparing for the Big Move

So...done a bit of shopping lately. Trying to get all those things I want and need before the move into the new apartment.

Things all started out the day after I paid the deposit on my place. I decided to go to Target to look at their area rugs, see if they had any reasonbly priced that I liked. I knew I was going to need a 5x8 rug for the living room, so I wanted to start looking.

While I was there I found that they were discontinuing their "World Bazaar" product line. It was sort international stuff that had a very "Pier One" look to it, but was at Target prices. Well, they had the entire collection marked 75% off...and I felt a thrill of pleasure run up my spine as I began snatching little pieces from here and there. Ended up with two wicker wrapped chairs and a side table to match, an asian style felt-lined box and wicker lined service tray and a few other little pieces for less than $60.

Then today, I decided to get out of the house and continue my search for an area rug for the living room. And I found a 5x8 and a matching 2x3 that matches the fabric of my sofa perfectly. So I picked them up at Lowes today for $65.

And I can hardly contain my excitement. Monday I go over to sign the lease and I can get the keys so I can go in a measure the window and get started on buying fabric for the windows. (My mother will be doing the sewing...I'm a disaster with a needle and thread.)

And in two weeks from today I'll be broadcasting from my nice, warm little apartment, finally surrounded by ALL of MY things for the first time in two years.


In other news, did I ever tell you all that my restaurant is haunted? Well, apparently it is. They've had a group of paranormal investigators coming in every few weeks taking freaky pictures and recording strange noises. After work last night I went out with a few of the waitresses, on of the busboys and our two newest manager, Bonnie and Chris. They were telling me all sorts of shit I hadn't heard before. I managed to freak myself out, so when I got home at about 2:00, I couldn't sleep. I, instead, sat with the light on and the TV playing until well after dawn. Then, once it was light outside I was able to finally get some sleep.

Well, I think that's all for today. Think I'll go grab a book and do some reading on the front porch. It's about 65 degrees outside and a little favorite weather. So I'm going to go out and enjoy it before watching what Oprah and Halle Berry managed to do to my favorite novel turned TV movie of the week.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

What's your nerd score

I am nerdier than 11% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I'm very proud that my score on this was as low as it is.

But It's only because they didn't ask any questions about Star Trek, Doctor Who or Buffy...if they'd included those subjects, I'd be in serious trouble.