Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Surviving the Wildfires...

If you turned on CNN or Fox News this weekend, you certainly saw the footage of the fires burning out of control all over the state of Oklahoma.

Just wanted to let you all know that we all survived the fires here.

The news stations didn't do a very good job of reporting the actual state of affairs on Sunday night. In fact, Fox news made it seem that downtown OKC was in immediate danger of burning to the ground...it wasn't.

I mean, yes, the wind could have shifted and blown the fires directly to the downtown area and my neighborhood...but not very likely.

Most of the fires around the OKC metro area were far out on the eastern outskirts of town....where the houses that burned were about the only things out there.

Still, it was frightening and more than a little wierd to see my city the focus of national attention for most of the weekend. Twice in the last 10 years OKC has been the focus of national news. There was the May 3rd, 1999 tornado and there was also the bombing back in 1995. So, seeing the word Oklahoma City on the TV screen was mildly disconcerting. Brings back wired memories.

New Years was a blast...and there will be more to write soon, but I must get started on some work. I was already late to work today because I overslept by about 4 hours...so I should get cracking...