Thursday, June 30, 2005

Meet the Lady Bellamy

So, yesterday I went to the bank...they told me I would need a co-signer, which I already I went by my parents house and got my father.

We headed up to the Bob Howard Auto Mall and pulled directly into the Honda dealership. Within 20 minutes I was test driving the '05 Honda Civic I wanted.

And by 7:30 last night I drove it off the lot. Got a good price on it and while I'm not impressed ith the 8% interest rate they gave me, my father assures me that in 6 months we can take it to his finance company and refinance down to closer to 4% which is what I wanted to be paying.

So, my new car, the Lady Bellamy is ready for the road.

Now, on the first day of my vacation...I was up at 6:00 and am getting ready to leave the house for the dentist's office...but not before I drive through at my office and show off the car to my girls...


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Another Purchase

You know, when I paid my car off in December, I swore I would drive it until the wheels fell off.

Then in February, I wrecked it and had to have extensive repairs made.

And now it's June...and every time I drive in my car I'm convinced that the wheels are about to fall off.

So, I'm going to the bank tomorrow afternoon to see about a loan.

It's time for me to buy a new car.

Not a "New" new car, but a new "pre-owned" car. (Don't you just love that euphemism? I remember when we bought "used" cars and were perfectly okay with that.)

I'm thinking about a Honda...but I'll see what I can find. Provided I can get the financing taken care of tomorrow, and provided that the dentist doesn't choose to extract my wisdom teeth at my appointment on Thursday, my father and I will go out Thursday afternoon and find me a car.

I'm a little nervous about it, as I've been used to having a bit of extra money lately...but I've looked at my budget and I can swing it. I already dropped some extra insurance deductions I didn't need at work and am canceling my gym membership (I haven't been in six months) this I know I can manage it.

Well, I'm off to finish my laundry and then crawl in bed and do some reading...need to have a early night tonight.


Monday, June 27, 2005

Pride and Pejudice

Yesterday was Pride. I went. It was fun to be with my friends. It was fun to collect the beads. It was fun to see the floats.

But, remember me telling about the backwards tossers from last year who had a confederate flag up on their porch during the parade last year? Well, I sat across the street from their house again this year...and they were in fine form, let me tell you.

First, they had their flag up again, along with two signs. One proudly proclaimed that "Dicks are for Chicks!" while the other simply informed us that "Jesus is Coming!"

They were yelling and taunting everyone who passed their yard. They were being just as foul as you can imagine. One of them kept screaming "Jesus is the answer!!!" to which I would simply respond, "What was the question?"

Things started to get out of hand after a of the guys got into a screaming match with one of the passers-by and went to his car and got out a folding hunting knife. He started pulling it out when people would walk past his yard. (this is all pre-parade.)

Well, finally the women next to our group had enough. The coolest lesbians in the world all pulled out their cell phones and called the cops. Over and over again. Until finally, 3 cars pulled up. The offending gentleman (more like Slack-jawed Yokel...with apologies to Cletus) with the knife was placed in the back of a squad car...and was then RELEASED!!! They cops did make him leave the area, but not before he managed to nearly ram his truck into a group of spectators across the street.

Then the parade got going. Having heard what had gone down at our end of the parade route, the floats were ready. Both of the floats that ejected rainbow confetti stopped directly in front of the house, and thanks to wind direction, COVERED THEIR YARD AND HOUSE in rainbow confetti.

Then, every one throwing out beads gave it to them.

The best moment, though, were the Dykes on Bikes. All of them stopped in front of the assholes' house and reved their engines for 5-7 minutes...several of the rednecks eventually got up and went inside...tired of the noise and exhaust.

All in all it was an exciting day.

I left there, came home and showered and changed, and then went to hang out with my new friend at his place. Ended up staying down there until midnight and then somehow managed the 25 minute drive back home up I-35. I came home and was suddenly keyed up from the it took me another 30-45 minutes before I was able to lay down and get some sleep.

So, today was a LONG FUCKING DAY.

I'm rushing around at work trying to get a week's worth of work done in two days...because on Wednesday, I start my first vacation in 3 years. WOO-HOO!!!

I"m not really doing anything with the time, other than vegging at home and reading...but I HAD to take some time off from that place. IT's been driving me crazier than ever lately.

Well, sports fans...that's all the news that's fit to print. I actually wrote most of this entry at lunch today...only to have it completely wiped out when the power went out before I could save it. Damn office building...

Time to fix some dinner...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Dollar for the Crack Addict

So, I stopped at the Q-Mart this evening on my way home from Norman to grab a pack of ciagrettes. For those of you who don't know, the Q-Mart is a less than safe place to stop for anything other than a drive-by. (Joking...I swear it's not that bad.) However, it is on a less than desirable corner, a few blocks away from my fairly desirable neighborhood. (The ghetto starts and stops so quickly here...)

So, as I came back out into the parking lot to get into my car, I see the friendly neighborhood crack addict going from occupied car to occupied car begging for cash.

Now, in my mind I always picture myself telling the guy I will give him a dollar if he does a little dance in the parking lot, but as I'm not completely evil or devoid of compassion, I've never (and would never) actually do this.

Tonight, however, I made the mistake of having my window down. Even with Aerosmith blaring from the stereo, I couldn't pretend he wasn't there while I waited for the guy next to me to pull out of his spot.

So, Crack-Man (his name henceforth) approaches me making eating motions with his hand and mouth. You know the one where you pretend to hold a spoon and move it up and down about your mouth as if spooning something (crack perhaps?) into your mouth.

He then muttered something about a dollar for some "eats".

Luckily, I had a $1 bill in my pocket and just handed it out the window to him. He took it gleefully and scampered back across the street to his crack den.

So, now I'm certainly not going to be stopping there for cigarettes there for a while. See, now he figures I'm an easy mark...and he'll be back for more...

................In Other News....................

Worked extra this weekend. As it was Father's day, I was roped into working not only 2 extra hours yesterday but also a shift today that was supposed to last from 11:00 to 2:00...instead I was there until after 4:00...So, I may have made a bit of money...but it totally screwed up my weekend plans.

Since I was there until 10:00 last night, my plans with Tim where shifted by two hours...and todays plans to wander one of the museums in either Norman or OKC were shot. Instead, once I was off work and had showered the offending barbecue odor from my person I drove down to his place and met some of his friends and watched enraptured as they played playstation. I'm actually a very good spectator for this type of stuff. I can't ever really figure out how the games work and become easily frustrated with them...but for some reason I can watch other people play for hours and never get bored.

I met a few of his friends and his roommates, all very nice guys, and then drove my ass back up into the city so I could do laundry for work tomorrow.

Now I'm sitting here in my dining room, listening to some music and spending some quality time with my laptop...I've neglected her this week.

So, that was my weekend in review. Hopefully I'll have more tales to tell this week. Last week was pretty boring as it goes...maybe something more exciting will happen this week...

Seacrest Out!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I could totally get into this dating thing...

So, today was my third date with...(wait for it)...Tim.

There. He has a name now.

Today, he drove up here and we went to lunch at Lido (a Vietnamese restaurant that I love) and then hung around my place for a while, watched some TV (introduced him to the British version of The Office) and just had a good time.

Around 4:00 or so we took off (in separate cars) to Norman where he lives. His roommate is out of town, so he's caring for his little dog (named puppy) while he's gone. So, we let Puppy out to piss and then headed over to the OU campus where Tim took me on his "Fountain Tour", showing me all the really cool things and fountains that are all over the campus.

This was especially cool for me, as this is the campus I'm looking to start graduate school on.

Then we had a really nice dinner at a cool little Italian place just off the campus. We'd barely set foot inside the restaurant when the sky opened up and poured down a nice old-fashioned Oklahoma rainstorm. It rained for most of the next two hours.

We ended up at his place, on the couch, with Puppy jumping around both of us while we tried to watch Family Guy and kiss a little bit.

Then, I headed back home around 11:00, called to let him know I was home and now I'm writing this entry. I don't know how I have the energy to write now...I'm utterly exhausted...but in a good way.

Anywho...We won't be able to see each other until next Friday as he'll be in Phoenix until Wednesday...and I have to work on Thursday...but I think that can be a good thing. Time to ourselves to sort out the last week...

Well, I'm headed to bed. Need sleep...really need a shower first...but sleep won't wait. lol


Saturday, June 11, 2005

My week...

So, after my date on Tuesday night, I was apparently a very happy guy at work. The girls at my office where just beside themselves over how nice and happy I was. So, that was good.

Last night my new "friend" came over and we went to the store together and got some steaks and stuff for a salad and came back and made dinner here. Then we sat around in the dining room chatting for a while.

Then we decided to look through my DVD's and see if there was anything there to watch. As he was looking at the shelves, he spied the collection of Doctor Who videos my brother and I amassed in the 90's. (Good thing I still have a VCR...and didn't go strictly DVR like some people were telling me.) We pulled out a couple of Tom Baker episodes and sort of watched them.

I say "sort of" because there may have been a little kissing and cuddling going on.

It was a great night, and I really enjoy hanging out with him. It's all very comfortable and low pressure.

So, again this morning I'm grinning a mile wide. I have to work this evening from 3:00 to 8:00, then I have a little gettogether with the girls to celebrate Sally's birthday as a group.

I told him to call me this evening once he's free and we'll make plans to hang out on Sunday...can hardly wait.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I Went on a Date

Okay, Sports Fans, I went on a date tonight.

Had dinner in Bricktown, and afterwards walked along the riverwalk for over an hour. Then we stopped in for coffee at Uncommon Grounds. Decaf for me, of course...

Then we came back to my place and sat in the living room and talked for another hour.

We ended the night with a promise to hang out on Friday night.

And a very short and sweet kiss.

It was not one of those crazy kisses, it was just a simple quick kiss on the lips.

So nice. I'm grinning from ear to ear right now.

Okay...I'll stop with that for now...

As I said before I've identified what, for me, is one of the most perfect songs ever written and recorded.

For this song, we must listen to Abba. Yes, I've decided that "Lay all your love on me" is one of the most perfect songs ever written. And I can't stop listening to it!

You know how bad that is for an OCD person like myself...I could drive myself even

Anyway...I'm heading to bed for a nice sleep.


Quick update...

...heading out on a date in a few minutes. Not sure what this may be...but I'm going to head out and see what happens.

I'll update on that when I'm back...but I had to say a few things first.

I got to hang out with my very good friend A-Beth this weekend, and also got to reacquainted myself with the adult version of two other college friends. Was so glad to see the both of them...if almost felt like we picked up where we left off when we last hung out years ago... other news...I finally got the chance to talk to the sweetest man on the planet last night. That's right...Underling finally talked to Matt on the phone. It was a wonderful conversation and I'm sure we'll talk again and again.

Well...I'm just waiting for my new friend to ring the doorbell, so I'll go ahead and publish this now. But when I get back later tonight...I'll give all the details as well as reveal what I think I've decided is one of the most perfect songs ever written.

Peace out, sports fans...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

So you don't piss people off...

...Listen carefully.

If you approach a restaurant, and it seems like there is no one eating there, I mean, there are very few cars in the parking lot and there doesn't seem to be a huge number of people milling about inside, and you see that said restaurant is going to close in, oh...let's say 4 minutes...DON'T FUCKING GO IN!!!

It's probably not worth your $40 to the restaurant to keep the seven or eight people on that will have to be there to serve you, you selfish cunt!

...okay...sorry...little bit of pent up anger at these damn Softball fans.

As you may not know, the Softball Hall of Fame (is that a necessity in this world?) is housed in Oklahoma City. So, we are currently hosting the Softball World Series.

About 2 miles away from the restaurant I work in.

And we had one or two tables of the little shits come in right at close tonight and sit for over a fucking hour.

So, I'm pissed off because I had to sit there and wait until nearly 10:30, when I should have gotten home just after nine.

Goddamn it. People piss me off.

Better now...going to bed...